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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Depressed GuaGua

GuaGua after his surgeryI went to pick up GuaGua from the vet after work today. He was all mellowed out due to the anesthetic shot and was peacefully resting in the nurse's arms. He was so tranquil and didn't even object when I put a cone collar around his neck to prevent him licking the fresh wound on his testicles to avoid infection. I picked out a lot of kitty treats for him and MaoMao and drove him home.

As soon as we got home, GuaGua sprint out of my arms and went wild! He dashed here and there, bumping his cone collar on the dinning chair legs which frightened him further. I eventually cornered him and calmed him down with snacks. He is not allowed to eat anything until tomorrow, so for now, I will have to lock him in the bedroom so he won’t be tempted by the food. MaoMao was so concerned about his little brother and sat by the bedroom door for a long time with a worry eyes. So cute!

I have now single handed destroyed both MaoMao and GuaGua's manhood; I know they will hate me forever because of it... :-(



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Balls Clipping

Drove GuaGua to the vet this morning to get him neutered. I will pick him up later tonight. Hopefully, with less testosterone in his system, he will be less feisty and more chilled out, just like our MaoMao! I went home afterward, and MaoMao greeted me at the door, obviously he is looking for his friend.



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Monday, November 29, 2004

Procrastinating Vivian

Ai... I wish I can do something about Vivian, but I can't. You see, I have been asking her to write something for the "About Us" section for months, wait, for years! And she is still giving me that innocent-I'm-sorry-but-I-haven't-written-it-yet look! Urgh!!!



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White Fluffies

Went snowboarding with friends on Saturday at Kirkwood. Lots of fresh snow + Not very many people = A great time!! Thinking about going to Squaw ski resort this weekend. I really need to go shop for a board for myself so I don't have to waste money and time on the rentals.



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Friday, November 26, 2004

Fry's Frenzy!!

A long line of people waiting to get in to Fry's ElectronicsClock struck 6am, we (Jason, Kevin, Ty and me) were still up playing cards at Bruce's place, we dragged the drunken Bruce out of the sack and thought it would be wise to checkout the Thanksgiving sales event at Fry's Electronics, which located only about a mile away. Fry's opens its door early today at 6am in observant to the holiday, and we wanted to be the early birds to take advantage of it!

Wishful thinking that was! As we turn on to Arques road, we saw a sea of tail lights flashing in the distance, and as we approach the Fry's parking lot, we realized Fry's gigantic parking lot was completely filled and forced arriving cars squirming around the nearby businesses parks for parking space. We got a spot a block away from the store, parked and joined the arrays of people headed toward to the mega store. The scene at the storefront was even more outrages, the line to get in to the store was wrapping half way around the building! Surprised, but not too surprised, we jokingly said as we give up the hope of bargain shopping that this would only happen in the Silicon Valley, where people praise electronic gadgets over other fine things. Well, as for us, at that moment, go home sleeping sounded a lot more enticing than standing inline.



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Peking Turkey

The official start of the holiday season is here with the arrival of the turkey on the dinner table. Our very own Iron Chef Bruce "Yang-Yang" Wang continued his Thanksgiving traditions and invited friends over for a night of good food and company. Bruce's turkey this year had a bit of Peking Duck's twist to it, meaning, encrusted crispy skin and very juicy meat enclosed. Yum!

It was a good turnout, more than twenty colleagues and friends made it to the dinner, and half dozen of us hard cores didn't leave until day break of the next morning when we made a failed run to Fry's Electronics.

Thanks Bruce!



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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Eskimo Vivian

Vivian in the winterThe Viv cocoon
Vivian has two life threatening weaknesses: ticklish and cold-phobia. Since early on, I have learned to use them to my advantages. *evil grin* Although she can somewhat fight off my tickle-happy fingers, there aren't much she can do about the recent cold weather. Well, our head-strong Vivian has her own arsenals for such occasions. She plugged in an electric blanket, turned on a portable heater and sought refuge in bed covered with layers and layers of comforters. You might think the pictures shown here are staged, hoo-hoo, you're ever so wrong, it'd be staged if she is NOT in her fetal position and tightly wrapped in blankets.

Oh, forgot to mention, whenever she retreats in such a fashion, I automatically get promoted to be her man-servant, feed her water and fetch her snacks. Our cats MaoMao and GuaGua help out as well; Vivian would stuff the cats in the cocoon, and warm her hands and feet with their furry warm bellies. I hope no animal-right activists are reading this. :-P

Vivian couldn't be reached for comment during the time of writting. However, later on she posted her own take on the matter on her blog, hope you read Chinese.



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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Nostalgic Words

Got sick of doing work, and so I played around with my old forum and guestbook. Decided to put them online instead of barying them deep in my archives. It was very interesting to read the entries people left for me for the past five years and brought back a lot of memories...



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Monday, November 22, 2004

Flight Shopping

I am planning to go back to China next month since my parents will be there during that time. I'd like to show them around, and make it a family vacation. I still have some personal items in Shanghai that I couldn't bring with me when I moved back to California back in Sept, so it will also be a trip for me to wrap up the loose ends.

However, the tickets are ridiculously expensive these days, almost three times the price I used to pay. This would be a good time to exercise those frequent flier miles. To my disappointment, there doesn't seem to have any open seats!!! Right now, United and Air China are the only airlines to offer direct flights SFO-PVG. We really need more airlines to fly from the West coast to China since more and more people are going there in the recent years. Wish me luck on my flight search!!


  • Good luck, Jiaying! I really hope you can find something ideal that can fit into your schedule. Hum, to me, something ideal would be: flying to Shanghai on 12/10, then find round trip ticket from Shanghai to Costa Rica for the 12/21 to 12/27 period for $100, then start vacationing with your parents on 12/30. But again, viv is dreaming... daydreaming... They probably don't even have flights from Shanghai to Costa Rica...

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 11/22/2004 10:45 AM  

  • humm... did a search on travelocity.com, and there are tix for under $700, direct flight too!!!! I am consider buying and save the frequent flier miles...

    By Blogger Jiaying, @ 11/22/2004 10:50 AM  

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Saturday, November 20, 2004







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Friday, November 19, 2004

Cat Naps

MaoMao and GuaGua nappingI read cats spend 80% of their lifetime napping. I can vouch for that. Our two cats: MaoMao and GuaGua nap whenever they are not play fighting or eating. They find sanctuary in each others arms as they sleep, and they tend to find the softest spot around the house to do so.

MaoMao and GuaGua seem to have a daily routine, they wake up as Vivian gets up for work, they'd go eat some breakfast, wash the food down by dip into the turtle bowl, chase and bite each other around the house for awhile until one of them starts to hiss, then retire to the living room sheep skin rug for a comfy nap. What a luxurious life!



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Domestic Brawl

Vivian and I have the shortest brawls, well, I should also add that we have very few of those as well. We fulfilled our monthly brawl quota this morning with one round of word exchanges. You see, I was staying up all night, again, working and messing around with my forum and watching TV. This morning when Vivian woke up and found me with the laptop, she outburst some disapprovals. While I understand she cares about me, it was just too abrupt and loud for me at the time, so I told her that I will self manage. I am interested to see how long the silence will last between us. :-P



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Charismatic Clinton

Bill Clinton got an early Christmas gift this year when he opened his $165 million presidential library yesterday at Little Rock, Arkansas. The media showed him at the library’s grand opening ceremony together on stage, as the only Democratic president, with Bush, Bush Jr. and Carter. Looking lean and gaunt after his Labor Day heart bypass surgery, his charisma seems to be unaffected. He entertained the crowd with his waves and smiles, and led the pack of presidents into the newly erected library.

Following the footage of the ceremony, all major news network aired interviewers with various “analysts” and “power speakers”, including Ron Reagan, son of former president Ronald Reagan. The picture was clear, four years after Clinton left the Whitehouse, people admit that he was a “Rock Star” president. Bush Sr. even lauded Clinton as a natural and gifted politician. It will be awhile before we have another president up to par with Clinton.



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Thursday, November 18, 2004

Jiaying and Weiwei

Felt like a Déjà vu when I first found out about JiayingandWeiwei.com, thought we had a fan out there who created a fan site for Vivian and I. :) j/k. Anyways, I thought I was seeing things. Well, in this case, Jiaying is the girl and Weiwei is the fella. They put together a sweet little site, well organized and really liked its cleanliness. Check it out...



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Blog About Blog

As an avid Google follower, I found out about this Blog thing years ago. However, I never applied it to my web site, fearing a conflict of interest with my existing forum. Well, I eventually bought in to the Blog idea, since it is really an online diary for me, whereas the forum is for visitors.

I keep a personal diary (on a very elegant hand-made leather-bond diary book Vivian got me), but Blog is still something different, it is more freeflowing and spontaneous (not to mention not have to use a pen!), well... I guess that's what diary is suppose to be as well... humm, I am a bit confused. But anyways, i still like this Blog thing. After spending all those hours playing with the formats, template and integration, I better like it.

I guess Vivian is more fond of the Blog than me!! After helping her to set up her Blog, she already dumped a dozen previously wrote journals into it. Heehee... I get to read them!! :-P


  • Baby!!! You did such a great job putting together the Blog index page. You are a photoshop pro!!! I am so amazed by your skills, the picture looks very clean and neat. Even though I keep saying this is our website, but you are really the only one who did all the work. Thanks so much!!!

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 11/18/2004 11:13 AM  

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Sunday, November 14, 2004

Costco's Rave

Mountainous amount of drinks purchased from CostcoWent to Costco in Santa Clara yesterday afternoon, the place was zoo! As if Costco is the most happening place in town, everybody and their grandma were there... The melee was everywhere you look: at the food court, at the shoping cart depository, at the checkout lanes. I guess shopping at Costco has became the favorite weekend passtime here in the Silicon Valley. Madness...

Surrounded by the army spirited shoppers, my purchase decision was great influenced, and I ended up paying more than $70 on drinks alone! Safely stocked up next to the kitchen, Vivian and I will be alright if we ever get trapped inside at home, we have enough ROCKSTARs and Gatorades to last us for quite awhile.



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