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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Blog About Blog

As an avid Google follower, I found out about this Blog thing years ago. However, I never applied it to my web site, fearing a conflict of interest with my existing forum. Well, I eventually bought in to the Blog idea, since it is really an online diary for me, whereas the forum is for visitors.

I keep a personal diary (on a very elegant hand-made leather-bond diary book Vivian got me), but Blog is still something different, it is more freeflowing and spontaneous (not to mention not have to use a pen!), well... I guess that's what diary is suppose to be as well... humm, I am a bit confused. But anyways, i still like this Blog thing. After spending all those hours playing with the formats, template and integration, I better like it.

I guess Vivian is more fond of the Blog than me!! After helping her to set up her Blog, she already dumped a dozen previously wrote journals into it. Heehee... I get to read them!! :-P


  • Baby!!! You did such a great job putting together the Blog index page. You are a photoshop pro!!! I am so amazed by your skills, the picture looks very clean and neat. Even though I keep saying this is our website, but you are really the only one who did all the work. Thanks so much!!!

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 11/18/2004 11:13 AM  

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