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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Costco's Rave

Mountainous amount of drinks purchased from CostcoWent to Costco in Santa Clara yesterday afternoon, the place was zoo! As if Costco is the most happening place in town, everybody and their grandma were there... The melee was everywhere you look: at the food court, at the shoping cart depository, at the checkout lanes. I guess shopping at Costco has became the favorite weekend passtime here in the Silicon Valley. Madness...

Surrounded by the army spirited shoppers, my purchase decision was great influenced, and I ended up paying more than $70 on drinks alone! Safely stocked up next to the kitchen, Vivian and I will be alright if we ever get trapped inside at home, we have enough ROCKSTARs and Gatorades to last us for quite awhile.



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