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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, November 19, 2004

Cat Naps

MaoMao and GuaGua nappingI read cats spend 80% of their lifetime napping. I can vouch for that. Our two cats: MaoMao and GuaGua nap whenever they are not play fighting or eating. They find sanctuary in each others arms as they sleep, and they tend to find the softest spot around the house to do so.

MaoMao and GuaGua seem to have a daily routine, they wake up as Vivian gets up for work, they'd go eat some breakfast, wash the food down by dip into the turtle bowl, chase and bite each other around the house for awhile until one of them starts to hiss, then retire to the living room sheep skin rug for a comfy nap. What a luxurious life!



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