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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, November 26, 2004

Fry's Frenzy!!

A long line of people waiting to get in to Fry's ElectronicsClock struck 6am, we (Jason, Kevin, Ty and me) were still up playing cards at Bruce's place, we dragged the drunken Bruce out of the sack and thought it would be wise to checkout the Thanksgiving sales event at Fry's Electronics, which located only about a mile away. Fry's opens its door early today at 6am in observant to the holiday, and we wanted to be the early birds to take advantage of it!

Wishful thinking that was! As we turn on to Arques road, we saw a sea of tail lights flashing in the distance, and as we approach the Fry's parking lot, we realized Fry's gigantic parking lot was completely filled and forced arriving cars squirming around the nearby businesses parks for parking space. We got a spot a block away from the store, parked and joined the arrays of people headed toward to the mega store. The scene at the storefront was even more outrages, the line to get in to the store was wrapping half way around the building! Surprised, but not too surprised, we jokingly said as we give up the hope of bargain shopping that this would only happen in the Silicon Valley, where people praise electronic gadgets over other fine things. Well, as for us, at that moment, go home sleeping sounded a lot more enticing than standing inline.



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