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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Shanghai Observation

Shanghai is the place for shopping and entertainment, the activities has always been the same every time I come to Shanghai -- going out with friends, drinking, meeting and gawking at the beautiful people in the pubs and clubs. Shanghai really is one amazing place, I love it, besides all the laughs and good time, the best part about Shanghai really is the opportunity it provides.

My contact list constantly grows while I am in Shanghai, it seems like I am always meeting new people while I am there. The best part is, the people I meet in Shanghai are from all different walks of life, engineers, actresses, alcohol distributors, PR agents, graphic designers... it is a huge contrast comparing to the simpler life in the Bay Area, where it seems every person I meet is either a software engineer working for Google/Apple or a hardware engineering working for Cisco/IBM and the likes.

It really helps to have a diverse group of contacts, things are far easier when you have the right connections at the right positions. Connections is followed by opportunities....

Did I already mention that I love Shanghai? and that comes with a good reason!

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