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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Security vs. Freedom

I submitted my resignation letter yesterday, not only am I resigning from my post as the product marketing manager at IDT, the act also signify my resignation from the high-tech industry and my resignation from the corporate life that I have gotten so used to.

Excited? YES!!

Scared? Umm... not so much as scared, but my palms is definitely sweating a little bit

I added “Resignation...” to my MSN messenger id after I done the deed yesterday, and a lot of my friends around the world has been asking me what I am up to. Well, I am quitting so I can work for Vivian and myself, for our own better future. Vivian and I will be splitting our responsibilities to cover more grounds and maximize our potentials. Vivian continues her real estate investment, and I will start dipping into other business ventures that’s coming our way.

On the transition from an employee to an employer won't be easy, we are trading "security" with "freedom", our mentality needs to be re-adjusted, options re-evaluated and financials re-budgeted. I am excited, we are both excited. First thing we'll be doing is to start fresh, taking a hard look at our current status, conduct "house-cleaning" of our financials budgeting, and spend the time setting up the right structures to ensure future scalability and stability. Although quitting a stable salaried job is letting go that certain "security", I am sure that we'll build our own security for ourselves, and that security is backed and entrusted by the people we trust the most -- ourselves!

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