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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wedding Photos

Allen picked up our wedding photo CD from Taipei and brought it back to US over the weekend.
We picked out 111 out of the total ~700 we took, here are 4 of them for those of you who asked to see.

The theme of our wedding is 情定三生, I can't think of a graceful way to translate that into English, but it is something like "our love spans cross three life times...", chessy huh? ;-)

Btw, our wedding album pics are very untraditional, in order to capture the theme, we communicated with the photographer and the makeup artist, ditch the usually wedding dress predicable poses and really explored our options with the wardrobe and settings. In the photographer's words "it was like shooting a movie..."

For the rest of the pics, you'll have to wait 'till the wedding... ;-)



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