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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Open Door Policy

Garage door left openStupid me, left the garage door open all night last night, again! Previously we were lucky, no harm done, but our lucks ran out today. The left side doors of Vivian's car were wide open this morning when she was leaving for work. We figured the thief must have been a girl, since she stole few pairs of Vivian's shoes on the shoe rack next to the car, the thief also took a flat-bed scanner by the wall and grabbed all the CDs, jewelries and even maps (I guess the thief was lost and needed a map?!??!) out of Vivian's car.

On the other hand, me, the trouble maker, were ok. I had my checkbook and spare wallet filled with my seldom used credit cards in my car. I guess the thief was in a hurry and didn't bother to exam my car. I even had a nice new Burberry scarf (nice warm cozy gift from Vivian) in my back seat the thief overlooked. Pheww...

I'll have to change the garage door remote code and remember to always close the garage. This could have been a lot worse. The thief could have easily walked in and grabbed our car key and have a nice field day with our TLs, not to mention the potential personal danger of inviting unwanted guests in to our house... Anyways, another lesson learnt.



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