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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Keys

Papers signed, bank account funded, title transferred, and keys obtained!!

Vivian picked up the keys from the escrow office today while I was in San Francisco attending the IDF. We later stopped by the house together to absorb the idea of living there. Although the house is in very good condition, there are still a lot of cosmetic fix-ups we want to do. The previous owners loved gold decors; gold door knobs, gold towel racks, gold trims... Yuck!! We will have to Silver-ize all of those.

Although our living space has more than doubled, but deciding how our existing furniture should be arranged in the new place is no easy task. I think we have a good idea now, and I can foresee many frequent runs to the local Home Depot... :-)

Home Sweet Home!



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