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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, February 11, 2005

House to Go, Please!

Our New House!We have been putting life on the fast track these days… I got back to California from my month-long vacation in China on 1/13; started my new job on 1/24; test drove the TL two Fridays ago on 1/28; drove the TL home last Friday 2/4; went to an open house last Friday straight from the Acura dealership right after purchasing the TL, and now, today, Friday 2/11, a week later, that house is ours… well, almost ours, we still have to sign a stack of paperwork and cough out the down payment before we can move in. We are very excited and looking forward to move in on March 2nd, yup! That’s just about two weeks away! See Vivian's thoughts on our new home...

Our New House!Let’s rewind a little… Vivian and I have been considering getting a house during the past year. We spoke to real estate agents off and on and even visited numerous open houses, but either didn’t like the properties, or the prices weren’t right, we never moved forward. We finally decided to pursue this brand-new-still-under-construction single family house in Santa Clara by getting ourselves on to the priority list, and were patiently waiting for the constructions to be completed. Then… the house I mentioned in the last paragraph “fell” out of the sky.

The location of the house is fabulous, in Santa Clara, heart of the Silicon Valley, three miles away from my office, and reduced Vivian’s daily commute by half; AMC Mercado, Milpitas Squares are all under ten minutes of drive! With four bedrooms, it allows us to rent one or two spare bedrooms to help with our mortgage. Anyone want to move in with us? Give us a call and we’ll cut you a good deal

New job, new car and new house, all in three weeks of work! :-)



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