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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, February 25, 2005


Moving and PackingMoving is such a stressful event, the planning, organizing, cleaning, packing, then unpacking, putting things away, more cleaning... not fun! I did a quick count, for the past 10 years since I graduated from high school, I have moved more than 15 times! and everytime I move, I seem to have more junk, which means more headaches.

For the past two weeks Vivian and I have been very busy balancing work and closing the house; getting all the financial data, paperworks together for the loan and did a crap load of paper/contract signing. We finally finished all that today and sealed the deal, and getting ready to move in on March 2nd.

Next week won't be any easier for us neither. Wednesday 3/2 is a good day to move according to the traditional Chinese calendar. However, I have to go San Francisco 3/1 - 3/3 during the day to attend IDF, and then fly to Phoenix 3/6 - 3/9 for the JEDEC conference. So, somewhere between all those work related stuff, we have to coordinate the move, paint couple rooms, and get settled. Anyone wanna help??



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