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comment #1:
comment #2:
的。。。确。。。。是。。。甜。。蜜。。。的。。。负。。。担。。。。 *大喘气-ing*
By Jiaying, @ 2/24/2005 11:42 AM
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Labels: Tech/Goodies
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Well, you are right, P&G is one huge company, and it would be pretty hard for an average Joe to go through a day without using some P&G product. P&G and Gillette has very little overlapping markets, which makes the M&A even more enticing. Laptop/PC probably last 2-3 yrs before being replaced, but I haven't heard of anyone using the same bottle of Shampoo for 2-3 yrs... :-)
By Jiaying, @ 2/03/2005 8:35 PM
Labels: Tech/Goodies
I thought it's my job. I get to decide on the color...
Did I say I was gonna choose the color... no no no, I meant I will let my bb do the honor! :-P
By Jiaying, @ 2/03/2005 8:41 PM
By Anonymous, @ 2/28/2005 9:34 AM
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