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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Heaven of Home

Have been on the road again for more than three weeks now, the feeling of homesick is creeping up on my conscience. Although I have been spending a week visiting my hometowns and spending quality time with my close families, it still doesn't replace the absence of the immediate family across the ocean on the other side of the globe.

Traveling alone tends to offer a lot of idle time, on the road, in the plane, finally the mind got the chance to deal with the inner feelings that was otherwise buried by the plethora of information brought on by the busy world outside. Home is a fascinating concept, it can be a run-down hole in the wall in the Projects at a ghetto neighborhood, but nonetheless it bring the warm intimate feeling, it is the place where one belongs, and the place where one can claim his own little piece of heaven. The concept is further enhanced by the family at home, they bring the warmth and intimacy. Home holds a special place in my heart.

Looking forward to go hom, soon....

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  • Immediate family? Are you talking about me and Lele? ^_^ We miss you dearly. Home is not the same without the master been around. It is either very quiet or you hear a crazy woman talking to herself... I miss screaming at my bb...

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 3/06/2008 6:51 PM  

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