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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Monday, December 20, 2004

Costa Rica

Costa RicaEver since I met Vivian two and half years ago, I have accompanied her on all the trips she have made. Today, she is flying to Costa Rica along with Monica, Danli and Jian for a week long vacation. I couldn't go since I had to come to Shanghai. Costa Rica -- Shanghai, this is probably the furthest apart Vivian and I have ever been with each other.

I am sure the four of them will have a fabulous good time, hope they will be safe, and I look forward to hear my baby's voice over the phone again soon. Bon Voyage!


  • Hey, i am in costa rica right now with the other three. the weather is very humid here, we just finished dinner and monica and i had two drinks so far. tomorrow we will be doing the six-hour long canopy tour, and the day after will be the horse riding to the waterfalls. miss you, wish you could be here to enjoy all these fun activities with me. but i am sure you will have a fun trip in harebin as well. even though we are at the furthest apart from each other, but i am sure you are thinking about me too, and same here. love from costa rica... postcard will be on its way...

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 12/21/2004 6:52 PM  

  • save a spot for me in the pictures you take, and I will photoshop myself in later... :-)

    By Blogger Jiaying, @ 12/21/2004 10:57 PM  

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