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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Saturday, June 23, 2007

South America - Day1: San Salvador

San Salvador was our hopping point from California to Lima, Peru. The layover was almost eight hours. We knew it was going to be a painful long wait knowing the tiny size of the airport and lack of airport amenities. Vivian and I were the first ones to arrive at San Salvador airport, we got in at 5:30am, the other two groups of our friends were scheduled to arrive two and half hours later.

The airport is small indeed, 5:30 in the morning, all the shops were still closed. In preparation of our long wait at the airport, Vivian bought a bag full of candies and cream puffs last night from LA (yeah, we had 5 hours layover in LA as well), and hand carried them with us, protected them as we flew in the overly crowded flight along with the rest of Patin American passengers.

If snacks are Vivian's way to pass time, my preferred way would be get online. and to my big surprise, they have Wireless internet here!! Free too! I hopped on the internet, finished the emails I meant to get done before leaving the trip, and even looked up travel infos while my other friends took naps and bullshitted for 8 hours.

My impression of San Salvador: pretty damn good!

Time to board my flight to Lima, Peru, see ya!

Early morning arrival

Vivian and her Cream Puffs

Been there! Done that!

A look at the country

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wedding Photos

Allen picked up our wedding photo CD from Taipei and brought it back to US over the weekend.
We picked out 111 out of the total ~700 we took, here are 4 of them for those of you who asked to see.

The theme of our wedding is 情定三生, I can't think of a graceful way to translate that into English, but it is something like "our love spans cross three life times...", chessy huh? ;-)

Btw, our wedding album pics are very untraditional, in order to capture the theme, we communicated with the photographer and the makeup artist, ditch the usually wedding dress predicable poses and really explored our options with the wardrobe and settings. In the photographer's words "it was like shooting a movie..."

For the rest of the pics, you'll have to wait 'till the wedding... ;-)



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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Honeymoon Defined!

As our wedding approaches, more and more often people ask me about our honeymoon destination of choice. My replies have been "We are not sure if we will go on a honeymoon".

There is a reason behind the answer...

Originally we have considered tropical islands such as Bora Bora or Fiji for our honeymoon, however after spending two week in Hawaii last Dec, we are a little bored with the sea/sand/sun routine. Australia was also considered, but decided to save the Down Under for a family trip together with our parents. Never really gave Europe much thoughts, Europe will also be fabulous and glamorous, this year or ten years later, we can go there next time... SE Asia backpacking excursion? Well, that's more like a trip with friends than a romantic getaway for two newly weds. We are both interested in doing a Safari in the black Africa, humm...want to save that idea for later... South America also sounded exotic, but guess what!? We are departing for Peru/Argentina/Uruguay this Friday!!

Any other ideas? Nope, neither did we, hence the answer "We are not sure if we will go on a honeymoon".

Tonight, Vivian reached an epiphany, her eyes lite up, her breath shortened and her face flushed (get your mind out of the gutter). She have decided on the place to go for our honeymoon! (drum rolls please...) Honeymoon destination ---- Dubai!!

Wedding in a five-star Ritz Carlton, and honeymoon in a seven-star Burj Al-Arab? That's living it up!! Wait... let me check my bank statement first...

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Monday, June 18, 2007


We had a fun day in the burning sun yesterday, picking out lavenders and spending way too much money on lavender-filled pillows and slippers.

It was our 2nd time attending the Sonoma Lavender Festival, had to go there since Lavender happens to be Vivian's favorite flower, one of her favorite flower I should say. I do agree, the gentle smell of the lavender is soothing, and acres and acres of light purple lavender is indeed quite a sight.

More pictures:
Lavender Festival 2005
Lavender Festival 2007

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

30" View

If a picture is worth a thousand words?
Then this picture tube is definitely worth thousands of bucks!

It will be our 5th anniversary (7/11) soon in about a month, over the course of five years, we got closer, have grown together, and also became more practical. I didn't want to buy Vivian another LV bag or spend another romantic weekend at a spa, I wanted to give her something that she really needs.

So, after witnessing her hunching over her laptop all day everyday, complaining that her neck hurts due to her bad posture, I thought a nice HUGE monitor can help her see better and thus avoid further "work-related" injuries.

Got the biggest LCD monitor they offered at Apple, check this baby out!!! As with all Apple products, this 30" monitor radiants elegance. While other 30" monitors out there costs hundreds of dollars less, it was still not enough to change my mind.

Simply beautiful, beautifully simple!

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Vivian vs. Jiaying

Vivian: BB! I think our web site needs a face-lift!
Jiaying: Do I look like I have the time?
Vivian: But I do!!
Jiaying: ...
Vivian: Yeah! So I have the time to keep on complaining!
Jiaying: ...



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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Safari on Windows

Safari on WindowsSteve job announced Safari beta for Windows platform at the WWDC this Monday.
Safari!! on Windows!! need I say more?

Downloaded as soon I heard the news, set Safari as my default browser as I opened the application for the very first time... as it turns out, it was a brave move, too early.

While I drool everytime I use the Safari on Vivian's MacBook Pro, the Windows beta version was utterly disappointing... while the Mac version is blazing fast, the Windows version was slow to the point of unusable!

Have to work on my patient, four more months to go for the OS X Leopard release, that's when I am going to get my very own MacBook Pro, can't wait to say Sayonara to the Windows' world!!

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Monday, June 11, 2007


I slept all night and all day today, total 17 hours, definitely caught up on my sleep.
Every time I woke up and opened my eyes, Vivian was watching Lost - Season 3.

Eventually, she got hungry and demanded food. She ordered carry out from a nearby Thai restaurant, so I had to cut my dreams short to fetch the food for her...

Parked my car in Downtown Menlo Park, I stumbled my way towards the restaurant and noticed a store by the name of "Touch of Elegance", elegant name. Then I notice the store also goes by acronym of "TOE"... Funny stuff, I just can't relate "touch of elegance" together with "TOE". Perhaps the store owner had a foot fetish, or perhaps I am just not worldly enough to see the correlation.



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