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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, July 01, 2005

Independent Weekend

Independence DayOnly few hours left before the long Independence Day weekend officially begins! No work on Monday!

Day offs are always nice, but unfortunately, the Independence Day doesn't mean I can declare my independence from work. Work has peeped into all my awaken hours... usually the last thing I do before going to bed is to check my work email, and it is always the first thing I do when I get up everyday as well. It is not because I am a good employee (although I'd like to think so :-P), it is just the nature of the job. Especially with the ever expanding globalization movement, I work with colleagues on the other side of the globe more often than those down the isle from me. Munich, Sydney, Seoul... all those time zones meaning issues are generating at all hours, and hence, work no longer has the eight-hours-in-the-office boundary anymore.

If you ask me, I like it this way, and I am a big supporter of globalization. It adds more dimensions to the boring workplace. Wanna hear a good joke on Globalization? Ha! It is a classic!



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