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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Sunday, July 17, 2005

California Sun

California SunshineWe had a picture perfect weather this weekend, bright sun, gentle breeze and not a cloud in sight! It was pretty hot tho, at noon, it was 85-90F, enough to encourage people to seek shade while outdoor doing things. The interior of the car was unbearably hot even with all the windows cracked while parked and I almost scorched my legs as I sat on the hot leather seats.

However, the pros out weighted the cons, and this weather puts everyone in a good mood. As the sun grew gentler and more inviting in the late afternoon, I wanted nothing more other than loose the sweat dampened T-shirt, put on my shades, grabbed a cold Coke and stretch myself on the lawn chair in the backyard greeting the California sun. Ahh… It was comfy, satisfying, and very relaxing.



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