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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, July 15, 2005

Three Years and Counting...

Three years zoomed by in a blink, and I am not exaggerating; it feels like yesterday when I sat across the table from you in Dave & Busters, trying my dearest to convince you to be with me. You were unsure, yet tempted. I am still unaware which one of my lines convinced you to take the risk, to get involved and eventually share the best years of your life with me.
Our 3rd Anniversary!
Three years went by in a heartbeat, and I am not lying; our harmonic relationship marched along a rhythmic path that we discovered together hand-in-hand. Although our journey has been smooth, it was never taken for granted; we have been true to each other and kept each other in check.

Three years flew by in a flash, and I am not dreaming; it is amazing how much we have accomplished, the countless trips we have taken, the myriad events we have attended, and the innumerable affairs we have encountered. We handled them well, and handled them with smiles.

You see, time goes by very fast while we are having the time of our lives, but baby, don’t worry, there are abundant amount of collaterals to remind us of the moments we shared... We got a web site filled with activities we did together; a box packed with matches we gathered; a drawer full of postcards we collected and a house worth of items we placed... the evidence of our happiness appears everywhere!

Happy Anniversary baby!


  • I can't find the approriate words to describe my feelings after I read this blog. As it has always been, you constantly impress me with the talent I didn't uncover before. I am deeply touched by the time, the thoughts, the heart you put in your writing, and, the everyday life you captured with your camera and computer. Thank you baby! I love you too!

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 8/02/2005 5:04 PM  

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