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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blog About Blogging III

Funny how people change over the years. I was always a math-and-science kind of kid growing up, and would rather die (not literally) before finishing up my essay homework assignments. I do keep a diary over the years, but it is more like a yearly entry of list of things I have accomplished since the last entry, and should hardly be considered as a diary. If it wasn’t for Vivian’s request to setup something so she can doodle, this blog would never exist. It surprised me that I actually kept up the blogging efforts instead of turning this sub-domain in to a dead link.

Truthfully, there are a lot of joys in writing these blogs, despite however pointless, dry and lack of aesthetic values these entries might be, they do serve as good seeds in helping me to reminisce those blissful events I encountered; my only regret is not doing it earlier.

Most of my friends are engineer, the math-and-science types like me and logically, blogging is not their cup of tea. I was delighted to find out a good friend of mine, whom I met in Shanghai -- Eric, upkeep a very enticing blog site! Well, it all made sense after I recalled he was a finance-guy...

Eric, the ABC (America Born Chinese) from California, is going through some very similar experience as I had last year: ditch the immaculate California weather; bite the bullet and move to a distant land; waste our youth away by working for Intel-Shanghai and engorge as much Shanghai-culture (which is very different from the rest of China) as we can. Eric’s majestically crafted blog entries on his Shanghai adventure resonated well with my venture to the Orient, and my eyes were glued to his site for hours while trying to recollect my own share of all-so-similar fun and frustrations.

I am gathering energy and motivating myself to go back in time, comb through my neurons and jot down whatever hazy memories I had for the year I spent in Shanghai. It would be terrible sin if I let those memoirs slowly fade away...

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