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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, April 08, 2005


Expensive Gasoline!I paid $2.93/gallon two days ago at the pump, although I was filling my car with 91-grade premium gasoline, the regular 87-grade wasn’t much cheaper either. It is outrageous how expensive gas these days are! As the matter of fact, the radio said the gas price went up another $0.06 per gallon yesterday, I guess I should be glad that I filled up my car before the latest price hike.

As far back as I can remember, I recall seeing $0.87/gallon gasoline, which was probably when I was still in middle or high school. The price since then has increased more than three folds, and personaly, for the first time, the car's gas mileage was carefully considered when I bought my car; and I am sure it is also making all of us think twice before drive the car 200 feet down the block for ice cream at neighborhood 7-Eleven.

By the way, these sites list the latest gas price in our area; use them to find the best deals instead of driving around in your car looking for a bargain. :-)




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