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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, April 01, 2005

New Garage

Last time I painted anything was back in High School when I volunteered to help paint a Safe House for domestically abused women.

Others told me that if I don’t fix things around the house a year after I move in, I will never have the motivation to work on it later. Knowing my procrastinating self, I knew I better get started before I get too comfortable with everything.

Old GarageNew Garage

Vivian and I wanted to paint the garage very badly; it was naked with sealed dry walls, very ugly. Although we can never go wrong with white walls, it is a bit too plain; so, we decided to paint the wall facing the driveway baby blue (you can probably tell who’s the real decision maker in our house. :-P ) to spice it up a bit.

I had a day off from work in observant of Good Friday, and so, my three day weekend started off with a two hour trip to Home Depot to pick up all the supplies. More...



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