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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Double Standards

F-16 Fighting FalconPending Congress’s approval, US is talking about selling hundreds of F-16 fighter jets to India and Pakistan. The deal will surely revive F-16’s maker – Lockheed Martin’s Texas plant – which otherwise scheduled to be shutdown permanently in 2006 if no new orders are placed this year.

Selling high tech weaponries to two rival countries that have been at war with each other for decades might be a great business plan, but the notion is definitely not good for the stabilities in that region and the safety for the rest of world. Let’s not forget, these two countries are both packing heat – nuclear heat that is, and it just takes one desperate idiot to push the launch button.

Already European Unions are already criticizing US for its double standards, singling out the weapon ban against China that US is boosting. Not sure how US determines who’s safe to play with its F-16.

Personally, I think SU-27 and MiG-35 are better anyways...



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