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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Another Birthday

Yes, yes, I am getting older again, and getting closer and closer to that dreaded 30 mark. Vivian and I made the agreement not to exchange elaborate gifts and overly celebrate our birthdays this year in order to maximize our contribution to the principle of our mortgage (A sign of growing up perhaps?) :-)

Anyways, Vivian still went and got me a mug and an ashtray from Tiffany’s. I had the same exact mug for years, loved it, but unfortunately cracked it few days ago by pouring hot tea in to it (note to self: never pour hot liquid in to a valued crystal container!!). It was good to have the same solid mug in my hand again!

Ashtray - Tiffany's Atlas CollectionBeer Mug - Tiffany's

Ashtray? You might ponder? It is a pretty one, big, and made out of crystals, and part of the Tiffany’s Atlas collection. We will be using it to hold our keys and small lose items we throw around the house everyday when we get home. It looked very nice on the table in our foyer!

Thank you bb!!



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