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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Garbage Day

Trash BinEvery Friday morning, at the crack of dawn, husky men in overalls and their marvelous garbage truck would go around our neighborhood to pick up the wastes we’ve cumulated over the week, and leave behind emptied, yet still smelly trash bins.

... So, every Thursday, all day long, I’d sit in the office looking forward to -- go home and roll out the garbage bins!

No joke, the motion of rolling out the garbage bins symbolize the weekend is just around the corner! And I savor every second of it; open the gate, shifting the bins on to the cement path, roll them around the corner of the house, guide them down the drive way slope and lining them up along the curb, walking back to the house while turning my head for one more glimpse at the sight of the bins under the soft soothing street lights...

Well, last Thursday, I was robbed of my pleasure -- I forgot to take out the bins! By the time I got ready to go to work, all the bins on my street have already been emptied! Shit! Not only did I forfeit the tradition, it also meant we’ll have to live with all the trash for another week. Those bags of watermelon peels, leftover food (from the two massive BBQ we had) and yard vegetations are not going to agree with the 85-degree summer days. But, the matter is beyond my power now, I shrugged my shoulders and hauled ass to work.

It was Thursday again! This time, I had my revenge. I scoped up every piece of trash I can find around the house, changed MaoMao’s litter box, and flattened every Coke box, shoe box, packaging box we had, stuffed it all in the trash/recycle bins and send them to the curb.

Ah... Satisfied...


  • Geeze, I always know you have fetish for some weird things, now I discovered a new one ^_^. If I knew rolling out the garbage cans can bring you so much pleasure, I'd definitely leave them there for you to take the actions. I was struggling with them while trying to take them out. And had to turn them around for the correct direction... haha

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 8/05/2005 3:06 PM  

  • your man is a kinky man! :-)

    By Blogger Jiaying, @ 8/05/2005 3:13 PM  

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