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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, February 29, 2008

Shanghai Observation

Shanghai is the place for shopping and entertainment, the activities has always been the same every time I come to Shanghai -- going out with friends, drinking, meeting and gawking at the beautiful people in the pubs and clubs. Shanghai really is one amazing place, I love it, besides all the laughs and good time, the best part about Shanghai really is the opportunity it provides.

My contact list constantly grows while I am in Shanghai, it seems like I am always meeting new people while I am there. The best part is, the people I meet in Shanghai are from all different walks of life, engineers, actresses, alcohol distributors, PR agents, graphic designers... it is a huge contrast comparing to the simpler life in the Bay Area, where it seems every person I meet is either a software engineer working for Google/Apple or a hardware engineering working for Cisco/IBM and the likes.

It really helps to have a diverse group of contacts, things are far easier when you have the right connections at the right positions. Connections is followed by opportunities....

Did I already mention that I love Shanghai? and that comes with a good reason!

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3 Months Reflection

The last three months since I left the corporate world has been a great ups-and-down experience, there were things that didn't work out as planned, but there were things that turned out far better than I have ever hoped. I have had my first taste of freedom, the freedom to do things according to my own development plan, the freedom to budget my own time, and the freedom to expand my experience the way I wanted. Although I am still working on the "security" part, one thing I am already sure, there is no way I will being turn back.

The past three months has been a great learning experience for me. I had to catch up on loads of new concept relating to the international commodity trading procedures and terms, as well as the basic concepts on the commodities. My best friend had been Wikipedia, which provided me abundant of much needed new knowledges, from FOB/CIF to applications and chemical properties of the commodities that I was involved in.

Although it is still a bit early to call it a deal, but it is pretty darn close to put ink on contract for the iron ore deal I have been working on for the past month and half. First time is always the hardest, this was true with our real estate investments, and hopefully it holds true with my courses in commodity trading. Fortunately I have some very knowledgeable partners to help guide me and instruct me during the past few months. I believe I have found my true calling, although I have not made even $0.01 yet, but I feel fulfilled, this is what I wanted to do.

Money, it is just around the corner...



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China Hollywood Scandal




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