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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Construction Began

西元 2006-05-08 (星期一) 四月十一日 (丁酉日)
[沖] 沖兔 (辛卯) 煞東
[宜] 掛匾 祭祀 祈福 齋醮 出行 開市 交易
立券 蓋屋 起基 修造 動土 定磉 安床 安機械 安葬 破土 啟鑽 除服 成服 立碑
[忌] 作灶 嫁娶 移徙 入宅 理髮

Yeah, we are superstitious and old fashioned!
Yeah, we actually looked up the old Chinese calendar for the best day to begin the construction at our Menlo Park property – which is today.
Yeah, we in fact drove 30 miles against the morning rush hour traffic to burn incense for the Buddha we never met in order for his blessing.

Construction/demolishing officially began...

Brought to you by Duo Forte, Inc.

Front view of the house

Nice doggy

View from the back yard

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