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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Southwest Blue

In my sixth gear, flew down southbound 101 on my way to the San Jose airport, I had to catch my 8am Southwest flight to Orange County visiting customers. Nervous as hell, fearing the flight will leave without me.

I dialed Southwest customer service, hoping they can check me in over the phone (wishful thinking in a desperate moment)

My conversation with Southwest airline agent:
Southwest: How may I help you?
Jiaying: I have 8am flight #2339 to catch but am running a little behind, can you check me in?
Southwest: Haha! Yes, I can’t
Jiaying: ... …
(Yes? And can’t? Is she trying to be cute? Make up your flipping mind!)
Southwest: Go to the gate, the agent there will be able to help you
Jiaying: Thanks a lot, you've been very helpful

Parked my car, ran to the terminal and realized the check-in line extended all the way into the parking structure. There is no way I can make my flight.

Called my CTMG travel agent, she re-booked me on another flight at 8:25am. Whewww!

I HATE Southwest, I detest them with a passion!
I HATE the fact that Southwest doesn’t have assigned seats, instead you are assigned a boarding zone, and somehow I am always ended up in Zone-C, the last boarding group.
I HATE their flight attendants’ stale jokes, such a nuisance!

I swear, if Southwest becomes the last airline on Earth, I will probably opt for Amtrak or Greyhound bus.


  • you are deserved that, because you are always running late. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, @ 4/12/2006 1:19 PM  

  • someone who knows me well!! :)

    By Blogger Jiaying, @ 4/12/2006 1:27 PM  

  • Haha, I feel the same way too. For someone who always shows up at the last minute, who always hope the plane would get delayed for some mysterious reason, I just feel like saying, "Sir, your nervousness hasn't taught you enough lesson yet..."

    And that shows why I am not in custmer service any more... ^_^

    But seriously, I witnessed Jiaying been the last passenger for several flights already, literally, the very LAST. Just hope he'd plan ahead and don't rush himself...

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 4/13/2006 3:09 AM  

  • bb, you will pay dearly for this!!! :-P

    By Blogger Jiaying, @ 4/13/2006 3:11 AM  

  • well, once check in your luggage, they can't take off without you. They'd have to identify your luggage, drag it out of the storage then take off. So you will have some time to wonder around, pick your nose, leisurely walk to the gate... :)

    By Blogger Jiaying, @ 4/13/2006 3:12 AM  

  • Exactly, the time between you check your luggage and boarding your flight, is really for picking your nose, and checking out chicks, NOT for running through the whole terminal thinking Gosh I earned some extra minutes...

    By Blogger Vivian Chen 陳茜薇, @ 4/13/2006 3:15 AM  

  • I fully agreed with Vivian.
    You are deserved that.
    You sould hate yourself and really need to change your behaviours, because that not only made you missed flights but also will have some safe problems by rushing.
    A fully-grown man sould know how to plan ahead his time.
    It is time to think about this.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, @ 4/15/2006 2:31 PM  

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