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Jiaying's Blah-blah...

Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam in 2007

Actually, Saddam Hussein won't see the light of 2007.

He will be executed by hanging in... hmm... 2 minutes!

CNN Coverage



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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Apple Mac Pro -- Out of the Box

The Mac arrived while Vivian and I were on our vacation in Hawaii, we almost cut our vacation short to come home for it. This is Vivian's new laptop, it is also Vivian's very first experience with Mac -- she is now a believer!

Everything about this Mac just reeks of elegance. From the packing material to the OS X, Apple just got it right! The attentions paid to the details is just amazing, I couldn't resist myself to take pictures as I open up the box for the very first time. Everything has its place, neat, organized, simple, and just made sense.

Vivian was laughing at me as I took pictures of the Styrofoam, to me, it is just amazing how slick the packing material can even be!

As a notebook, the Mac Pro notebook is in a league of its own, sleek lines, clean look, immaculate package. It is simple but with a huge presence, less really is more.

I can't wait to get my own Mac in April when OS X Leopard releases...


  • Jiaying, the Macbook Pro is indeed a beautiful machine, and one that finally justified my decision to switch. I'm typing this on my 4 month old baby at the China Airlines lounge in Taiwan on my way back to Shanghai. Congrats on the engagement!! Happy Chinese New Year...and HAPPY MAC-TIME!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, @ 2/22/2007 11:36 PM  

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